Healing Sacred Voices

These are Our
Songs & Our Prayers,
This is Our Dialect

Global Indigenous Languages Caucus

Strength In Our Dialect

Our Elders say if you can't pray in your language, the Creator cannot hear you

Historical Trauma

The Indian Removal Act was a political and military action to end American Indian rights

Boarding Schools

When we used our language, they would wash our mouths with lye soap, and beat us.


We are the next generation to carry our cultural identity from our elders' voices of wisdom.

Psychological Perspective

We are survivalists of genocide: Healing Sacred Voices

Historical trauma is the result of boarding schools, religion, trade and treaties. Oral history is the key to our cultural preservation and rebirth!

Our Code Talkers

Why our dialect was never broken.

Our ancestral linguistics could not be broken during the World Wars although anthropologists, generals, soldiers, scientists, and alliance countries attempted to understand our tactical messages.

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Genocide: The Truth

Historical Trauma Destroyed Our Voices

We have to share our histories to reclaim our narrative and speak our truths.

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Our Reservations
Tribal Entities
Our Ancestors

These are the stories, histories and battles from the voices of our homelands.

We are exploring the psychological reasons for dialect erasure.

This emotional manifestation will create a discussion of storytelling through long-lasting, impactful impressions of our history and set the agenda of keeping with the dialect’s strong modernist heritage.

 European colonization of the Americas

Numerous atrocities against American Indians spanned hundreds of years, which led to large death tolls in the conquest of our land.

Fall from Bio Warfare

The American Indians were exposed to smallpox, measles or flu, and the viruses tore through the continent, killing an estimated 90% of the population.

Internal Cultural Decimation

To protect the future generations from experiences of racism and warfare, some members of past generations did not pass dialects on their descendants.

Our Prayers , Our Songs,
Our Dialect!

Change needs a voice - speak it in your dialect.